Saturday, 5 November 2016 Gameplay

I’m back again to talk  about the game again! If you haven’t read my last post (below)please do so, then you will have more background knowledge for what I will be talking about.

Today, I played for a much longer time than I would have expected. For those of you who think this game is a waste of time, try it out and you might change your mind. But if you still think it’s lost cause.. then there’s nothing I can do. Anyways, I managed to get onto the leaderboard for a nice amount of time. I died at level 45!! That is my record for longest time alive. My evolution line was:

Basic (Tank), Sniper, Overseer, and finally, Necromancer.


The basic tank simply shoots regular bullets. The sniper shoots a faster and more accurate bullet that has much better penetration. The Overseer deploys drones that are in the shape of a triangle, controlled by your mouse/touchpad. Finally, the Necromancer turns/transforms obstacles that you destroy into your drones. These drones are square shaped with higher speed, health, and damage. They are also controlled by your mouse/touchpad. Along the way, your body damage also increases. Here are some screenshots of my gameplay and score:

As you can see, my "Nickname" was ohyafunstation!!! :)

The source for my evolution photos are from:
It provides simple and good information.

To play the game, go here:

Stick around, so you don't miss out on the next post!! 

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